This question keeps popping-up. I think, with any profession, you should ask why you would want to 'become' or go into that field?
It is really easy to fall in love with the romance of being an architect. I have a little cousin that has told everyone he wants to be an architect since he could talk, but I think he is more into the romanticism of the architect. I keep getting pressured by his mother and my aunt to talk to him about how to go about getting into an architecture program, but I just won't. Why won't I help him out? Well.... the kid is
There are people that stick it out and go the five-plus years through the professional degree because they feel they're too far in to just quit. That seems totally understandable. I've had friends come-up to me at the end of the semester and don't know if they want to come back because they're just burnt out. Ive also had guys I went through an architecture program in high school with graduate with their BArch and just don't want much to do with architecture because they fell out of love. If you aren't going to give architecture the time and discipline it demands, than just quit while you're ahead. If you feel uncomfortable and unhappy, then that is probably a sign that this probably isn't for you. I first knew I was alright when I first worked on a model for thirteen hours throughout the night and by the time I was finished I just had this great feeling. Being an architecture student isn't just studying for an exam. There is a huge amount of performance that needs to be done on top of the studying. So, on top of studying for that quantitative environmental systems final we also have to physically show what we have learned through models and graphics.
Architecture has thoroughly screwed me....forever. But, in a great kind of way. The program has given me much more than a set of design skills -- it has given me a toolbox full of tools that can be applied to much more than just architecture, but has integrated itself into my daily life.